
What is homeopathy?

Classical Homeopathy is a therapeutic system based on the Principle of Similars – the observation that a homeopathic medicine leads to the removal of the same disturbance it is capable of producing in healthy people. Improved health arises from the action of the correctly selected homeopathic remedy on the disorder in the person’s energetic state. The effect of the correct homeopathic remedy leads to an amelioration of the totality of symptoms, and a generalized improvement in constitutional vitality.


Goals of a Consult

The goal of homeopathic treatment is to improve health. To assist the client the homeopath must:

  • Understand the totality of symptoms that characterize an individual’s state of being
  • Find the homeopathic remedy most similar to that state
  • Administer the remedy in the minimal dose required
  • Monitor the action of the remedy, adjusting or revising the remedy as necessary.



The complexity of the information needed for homeopathic evaluation requires that sufficient time is given to comprehensively understand the state of the person seeking treatment. The duration of homeopathic treatment is dependent on the nature and the chronicity of the current complaints and the response to therapy. Medical, psychological, or structural aspects of a client’s health are all part of the evaluation but may require specific care and consequently referral to appropriate providers.



Homeopathic practice differs substantially from conventional medicine.  Homeopathic assessment is not disease-based but deals with the person’s whole constitution. Homeopaths understand that the disorder, which leads to illness, exists in a person’s energetic state. This disorder results in physical, emotional and mental experiences characteristic of the individual –the totality of symptoms. Under Massachusetts’ law, an unlicensed practitioner may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis from a licensed practitioner, it must be obtained by a practitioner licensed to do so (MD, DO, DC, FNP, etc.)

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